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Guidelines for preparation and submission of abstracts


Abstract Submission Deadline: 06/30/2016 

Late Submission Deadline: 08/18/2016


Abstracts submitted after the June deadline are included in an addendum to the official printed conference booklet. Early submission also increases the chances of securing a speaking slot.

Abstracts (in English) will only be accepted online.  The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject abstracts written in inadequate English or containing orthographic errors.
Submissions will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. This Committee will verify the adequacy of the abstracts for presentation at the congress and publication in the annals. The authors’ preference in presentation for a poster, oral or both, as well as the Session Topic must also be included in the submission form.
The criteria for selection will be both scientific quality and degree of general interest.
Ideally the author submitting an abstract should be registered for the Congress. If this is not possible, please send us your abstract by email before the submission deadline. When accepted, you will be expected to register by the late submission deadline (August 18th, 2016).

Registrants will be notified whether their abstract has been accepted for oral or poster presentation in time to prepare for the meeting.
Only one attendance/Meeting certificate will be issued per abstract, stating the names of all authors and co-authors.
Attention: Enter the data on the registration form (title; authors) in the order they should appear on the certificate.
Justify all text.
Title: Full Title in Bold Letters.
Author(s): Full Name of Authors .
The presenting author’s name is in bold (same name as on the registration form). Names should be separated by a semicolon. Each name should be followed by the superscript number related to the affiliation.
Institution: Superscript number followed by Institution name and postal address
Footnote: Indicate sources of financial support.
Abstracts not complying with the above specifications will not be accepted.
Special attention should be given to written English, as abstracts containing spelling or grammatical mistakes will be rejected.
Tables, charts or other graphics may not be included and will be removed before the review process if included. No literature references should be cited as part of the abstract.
All abbreviations must be defined the first time they appear in the text (but not in the title).
A template is available to download at the bottom of this page.
Abstract Preparation
Software: Microsoft Word
The maximum number of words allowed is 200.
Margins: right 2 cm (0.8 in) and left 3 cm (1.2 in). Font: Arial 12, normal style, use "symbol" font for special characters.
Single line spacing and no paragraph divisions or figures.
Insert a single line between: title and author; authors and institution; institution and text.
Abstract Submission
Once registration is open abstracts must be submitted online, only through the website: and must be classified by one of the areas listed below:
Natural toxins and drug discovery
Clinical aspects of envenomation
Drug design based on venom components
Marine toxins
Plant toxins
Scorpion toxins
Snake toxins
Spider toxins
Toxin-omics (genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, venomics)
Toxins in natural history and evolution
Toxins and the haemostatic system
Toxins and inflammation
Ion channel toxins
Toxins and pain
Microbial toxins
Venomous animals biology
Abstract Reviewing
All contributions to the XII Congress of the Pan-American Section of the International Society on Toxinology will require the submission of an abstract, and a rigorous review procedure will be undertaken to maintain the highest scientific quality of the congress. All submitted abstracts will be reviewed according to the following criteria:
The work makes a significant and original contribution to the field;
The scientific content falls within the scientific scope of the meeting;
The abstract complies with the submission instructions.
The abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. A score will be assigned based on the following assessment criteria for scientific content:
5 - Ground breaking research of outstanding quality and vision in the field;.
4 – An innovative perspective on current understanding; high quality research providing new insights; a major development in the field; the exploitation of new scientific and health-care developments, unreported in the Toxinology field; advancing our understanding of Toxinology field;
3 - An interesting and important addition, helping the continued development of the field;
2 - A modest addition to the field, contributing to the development of a specific area;
1 - Work demonstrating little scientific innovation over and above current published work; lacking scientific data, argument or foundation.
Abstracts with score less than 2.5 from the mean value of the scores will be rejected.
The reviewers will also take the following matters into consideration in their assessment of the abstract.
The abstract is written in clear and acceptable English with few syntax and spelling mistakes;
The abstract follows the guidelines in terms of content and format;
Sufficient data is clearly presented and/or analyzed, is adequately discussed and appropriate conclusions drawn.
Failure to comply with these simple guidelines will affect the assessment score and may result in the rejection of an abstract.


Guidelines for preparation and submission of posters


Thank you for considering presenting your work as a poster at the XIIth IST Pan-American Section Meeting 2016 in Miami Beach. Registration will open soon and poster submission deadlines will be announced. In order to prepare your poster, please read carefully and follow the instructions below:

  • The maximum size of your poster must not exceed A0 landscape format (1189 mm x 841 mm or 46.8 in x 33.1 in)


  • Do not prepare your poster in portrait format, as it may be rejected. Posters larger than A0 or those in portrait format WILL NOT be displayed.


  • Do not laminate your poster or use heavy printing material. You may print on cloth.


  • Please ensure you have appropriate permissions for the publication of your abstract from the original copyright holders. Should you wish the abstract not to be published on the website or in the congress handbook, please notify us in writing at the time of abstract submission.

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